Monday, March 29, 2010

Which Analog Hearing Aid Is Right For Me?

When looking for hearing aids most people accept the simple fact that digital hearing aids are better than analog hearing aids. No doubt digital aids are more sophisticated and state-of-the-art, not to mention that they're easier to install and use, but sometimes analog hearing aids are more appropriate for your needs. Digital hearing aids have more options for the user, and so they are more costly than the analog variety, it just depends on whether or not you need these extra features.

Analog Hearing Aids

Modern hearing aids consist of a microphone which receives sound, an amplifier which makes the sound louder and clearer, and a receiver to convey amplified sound to the ear. Analog hearing aids can be divided into two categories: conventional analog hearing aids, and programmable analog hearing aids.

Conventional hearing aids are the least expensive of all and the simplest in terms of technology. They only offer the basic functions that you would associate with a hearing aid. Programmable hearing aids on the other hand have many more features to offer the user. They are actually very similar to digital hearing aids in the fact that they also contain a microchip to program required options and settings suitable for a patient.

Programmable hearing aids can be customized to be used in quiet or noisy environments. They are very easy to use, at a flick of a switch you can completely customize all of the settings. The only difference between digital hearing aids and programmable analog hearing aids is that in digital aids the sound is converted into digital signals which can then be used to perform additional functions, like speech recognition and noise reduction. These state of the art digital hearing aids are normally self-adjusting, however with the analog variety you will have to operate them manually using either a switch, or a remote control.

Programmable analog hearing aids differ from conventional analog hearing aids because they can be programmed to suit the specific patient's requirements. If you are not comfortable with the present settings you can always have them changed to suit you better. An induction coil can be used in programmable aids to pick up sounds that are sometimes hard to hear, for example while using a telephone you sometimes need to strain your ears to hear what the other person is saying. Programmable hearing aids normally come with a switch for induction coil mode so you can easily switch between modes.

Because of these features and others, programmable aids cost more than the conventional ones. The conventional ones can only really be set up, not programmed. The main reason people will chose analog aids is because they are less expensive.

There are times when an analog hearing aid suits the user perfectly, not just because of the cost. Most people buy a hearing aid is to improve their hearing ability, so it doesn't matter how much a hearing aid costs or how modern it is. Very few people would want a speech recognition system, although that would mean I could get rid of my receptionist, oh no that's unfair it would have to make tea too. You can talk to your audiologist to decide which one will be suitable for the type of hearing loss you have.

Hearing Aid Costs

Factors to Consider Prior to Buying a Hearing Aid

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Barbie Dolls For Your Little Angel

Barbie dolls have been around for fifty years now and are still as popular, invoking a sense of excitement among little girls across the world. They are considered to be an icon of US culture by virtue of the way they epitomize stylish clothing and way of life. Barbie's free spirited charisma has enticed young girls the world over.

A peek into their inception:
Barbie was first introduced in the year 1959. It was manufactured by Mattel Inc. and created by Ruth Handler. The creator's inspiration was her daughter who seldom liked playing with baby dolls and often played with paper toys taking form of a grown up girl. This led to the concept of the exquisite doll who was named after Ruth's daughter Barbara.

It is believed that the shape and form was inspired by a German doll named Bild Lilli. But the new doll was so exquisitely designed that it soon became a sensation and successfully replaced the then popular, Lilli doll.

A day in Barbie's life:
Barbie is a beautiful blond who attends the fictitious Manhattan International High School in New York City. She loves animals and owns more that 40 pets including cats, dogs, panda, a lion cub and a Zebra. She loves to drive around in jeeps, convertibles and trailers.

Barbie has a Pilot's license and is actively involved with commercial airlines and also serves as a flight attendant. She loves to keep her home neat and tidy and is a homely character. This aspect is exemplified by numerous game sets like kitchen, bedroom, spa, clinic etc... which stand as a testimony to her multitasking abilities.

The enchantress:
Barbie is truly an enticer and the makers ascertain that a new and exciting element is added to the catalog in a timely fashion. Be it constructing dolls based on celebrities or adding new members to her extended family, they sure know how to keep the excitement of Barbie games alive. Equipped with mesmerizing looks, a wide array of interesting costumes and exquisite body design; the much loved doll is always in the news. Her break up with beau Ken or their getting back together; the addition of trendy apparel or arrival of new members into the family; there is enough news to keep Barbie aficionados hooked to this enchantress.

Adding a new dimension to games:
In addition to being an enduring plaything; the doll is defined as an offshoot of a novel concept that has many dimensions. Little girls mesmerized by the charming doll, may play online Barbie games in a varied range of themes, listen to music with a Barbie CD or Radio Boombox from Kid Designs, take part in the vibrant 'Barbie dress up games' or visit the Barbie games online store to avail an overview of all the interesting games in store. What's more, shopping for these exquisite playthings online, is by far the most convenient option.

Barbie dolls and their eternal tryst with fame have proven to the world that they are a class apart and worth their price tags. The attention, hype and craze seem justified. So get hold of a Barbie doll of your choice for the little girl in your life and rest assured they will be cherished forever.

Barbie Games


Greg Reyes as a Professional and Simple Person

My name is Craig and I am the President of jetForward Aviation, an aviation acquisition firm in San Jose, CA. I live in south San Jose with my wife of 22 years and our three children. I have known Greg Reyes since joining the Brocade Communications sales organization just over seven years ago. I am writing today in the hopes that my personal remarks might somehow be considered during Greg’s sentencing.

In the time that I have known Greg, I have always been impressed by his dedication and character, both as a professional and as a person. During my time at Brocade, it was Greg who provided the executive guidance and support so important to a growing young company. He was very close to our team in particular, providing Personal counsel based on a deep level of experience in the world of hi-tech sales. Though continually requested to speak at industry events and seminars, he was an extremely approachable man to all of us - never too busy for a one-on-one conversation or to offer professional coaching when asked. I remember numerous conversations with Greg – from recent sales activities to the status of personal friends of mine serving with our troops in the Gulf War. I recall how everyone in the company reacted to his leadership and compassion immediately following 9/11 – essentially putting a halt to all business until we had accounted for every employee and their family.

While his professional demeanor always impressed me, it has been his role as a family man that has stuck with me over time. Whether hosting his children during “bring your kid to work day” or support for his wife’s personal achievements, it was Clear he provided a very steady hand as father and husband. In witnessing how Greg carried himself I learned that executive leadership and family dedication are not mutually exclusive - in fact success in both comes from an extreme level of focus and discipline.

Not surprisingly, I have witnessed the past few months with a sense of astonishment and disbelief. I cannot begin to imagine the effect this has had on Greg’s family. The thought of this husband and father being sent to federal prison is beyond my comprehension. For an individual with so much to offer, who could provide so much in a society that is wanting in so many places, the idea of locking him up in a jail cell seems to only compound this tragic episode.

I continue to hope (and pray) that the Court will find a positive in all of this, Somehow allowing Greg to continue to provide his family the love and support they need while satisfying the requirements of the judicial process.

Gregory Reyes

Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Solution-Focused Approach to Hearing Loss

It doesn't take a lot of effort to notice that we live in a problem-focused world. Any amount of television viewing is certain to bear witness to commercials that identify some human flaw that needs fixing, whether with a new detergent, a new car, or a new TV. It's hard to think of any commercial that has ever trumpeted, "You're doing great...keep it up, you don't need our product -- just thought we'd let you know." It's no wonder ""What's wrong?" is a vastly more common interpersonal statement than "What's going right?" While it might sell a lot of soap, when it comes to emotional issues, a problem-focused approach can keep us stuck. This can be illustrated with the oft-cited pink elephant: As you read this sentence, whatever you do, do NOT think of a pink elephant... Pretty darn difficult to avoid thinking of pink pachyderms, isn't it? The same is true for mental health issues. A depressed person who feels hopeless is better off identifying activities that make him feel a bit more hopeful rather than coming up with ways to feel less hopeless. It seems a simple lesson but hard to put into practice.

When it comes to hearing loss, it is not easy to apply a solution-focused approach. The trauma of the loss itself, the daily effort it takes to hear, and the frustration of dealing with friends and family who may not understand how to be helpful are real problems. That fact is not up for debate. However, one way forward is to learn to notice what is working and what is going right rather than what is NOT working.

Consider "Arthur" and "Donna". Donna's hearing loss has impacted how the couple functions at social gatherings. Arthur typically makes an effort to speak for Donna. He usually answers questions that others direct towards her and believes he is helping to keep her connected at the party. Unfortunately, this has just the opposite effect. Donna feels stigmatized and isolated -- as if she can't speak for herself. When they get home Donna alternately lashes out at Arthur complaining that he "treats her like a child" or is stone-cold silent; giving Arthur an unspoken message that he has done something wrong. In both cases, Arthur is confused because he thought he was being helpful and silently begins to resent Donna's "lack of appreciation" for him. Early on in counseling the couple engages in problem-focused conversations of trying to get the other person to stop their undesired behavior. But at this point emotions are so charged that neither Donna nor Arthur can stand to listen to the other's complaints. By now readers of the above pink elephant experiment are keenly aware that there comes a time when trying to NOT focus on something becomes impossible. For this reason, Donna and Arthur are encouraged to avoid talking about problems and to take a solution-focused approach.

Therapist: Donna, can you think of a recent time when you enjoyed going to a party with Arthur.

Donna: A whole party? No I can't.

Therapist: What about a moment at a party where Arthur was helpful.

Donna: Well, last week, when Sally asked me how the kids were doing, Arthur provided space for me to answer and it kind of sparked a conversation between Sally and me. It feels like I don't talk to a lot of people these days, so it felt really good.

Therapist: So you liked it when Arthur encouraged you to join in the conversation?

Donna: Yes. I felt like he really cared about me.

Therapist: Arthur, what's it like to hear Donna say that?

Arthur: You know, I'm kind of shocked. I really had no idea that's what she wanted me to do. I'm glad she told me.

The following solution-focused tips can be gleaned from the above brief vignette of a real case (with names and details changed to protect confidentiality).

· Take time to notice what your spouse/partner, friend or family member does well. While nobody is 100% perfect, nobody is 100% flawed. Something MUST be going right. Like Donna above, sometimes it takes looking for small moments that go well. For example: Let your children or grandchildren know that you really appreciate it when they face towards you and speak clearly. You'll be amazed at how quickly they respond to this positive reinforcement with more helpful behaviors.

· Let the other person know (a) What they did, (b) How it was helpful, and (c) That you'd love it if he/she did it again! Try to resist the urge to tag on any description of what they did NOT do well.

· The same approach can and should be taken by hearing family members. Encourage them to read this article and let them know that you'd like to learn from them what you do that is helpful. For example: "Mom, it's really helpful when you turn your hearing aid on when I'm with you. It makes me feel like you really want to listen to me."

· Remember, many of us are experts at noticing what is not working. Take time to practice noticing what IS working.

Best Hearing Aid

Causes of Hearing Loss

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Ups and Downs of Downloadable DS Games

What is a DS?
The DS, or Nintendo DS, is an advanced technology apparatus that plays video games on a duel screen monitor. It is a handheld game system that allows gaming enthusiasts to bring high quality games with them when they are on the road or otherwise unable to play a counsel system. However, with the DS, has become a standalone system that has most gamers itching to try it. It was developed and produced by the Nintendo organization and was released in 2004 in multiple countries including Canada, Japan, the United States and the United Kingdom. The clamshell design is similar to the Game Boy Advance, which was the predecessor to the Nintendo DS, but the Nintendo DS has duel screens with the lower one being designed as a touch screen.

Download DS Games
Though there are some problems with downloadable DS games, they hardly outweigh the possible positives when it comes to these games. Downloadable DS games are games that can be downloaded off the wireless internet that is available for the Nintendo DS. These games are similar to WiiWare games in that they are not usually full length games, but they are still fantastically composed and capable of providing hours of gaming fun. There are even some free downloadable DS games available, but these are rarer than the purchased ones.
A few cons to downloadable DS games include the fact that the download speed is relatively poor. When downloading a game for the DS, it can take many minutes, even hours in some extreme cases. This can be more than a little frustrating for those that want to just play the game.
Another problem is that there is a possibility for an adware infiltration which can potentially do damage to the DS. However, this is only caused by poor usage of the wireless internet system.
These few cons are not enough to make the whole of the system poor. The Nintendo DS has many games online that may be downloaded on the SD card of the system. This can allow numerous downloadable games to be purchased or downloaded on a single system. The downloadable games for the DS are also very fun and very addicting. They can provide just as much if not more fun that any retail game for the DS or a consol alike. Once the games are downloaded there are usually no problems with operation.

Learn about the best DS Download sites. Find out where to download unlimited DS games without being afraid of viruses or adware. Go to DS Downloads

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Types Of Psychic Readings

When you contact a psychic, you might be overwhelmed by the different types of readings that they offer. Getting a general idea about the basics of each reading will help make your session with a psychic much more enjoyable.

A tarot card reading is one of the most popular types of psychic readings. During a tarot card reading, the psychic will ask you to focus your energy into the cards. The cards that come out and the position that they fall in will both affect your reading. The modern tarot cards that most psychics use is typically composed of twenty-two major arcane cards and fifty-six minor arcane cards.

If you request an astrology reading, the psychic will use your date of birth to let you know the direction that your life is headed in. This type of reading gains its predictions from the placement of the planets and the stars. There are several different types of astrology that an astrologer can use. These types include Chinese astrology, Western astrology and Indian astrology.

Numerology is another type of psychic reading that utilizes birth dates. A psychic will use the numbers related to your date of birth to come up with a number that can be associated to your type of personality. For example, a person with the number seven is controlled by Neptune and has an idealistic type of character.

A palm reading is another popular type of psychic reading. The psychic will be able to look at a client’s palms and tell a lot about their personality. They will use the shape of the hands, the lines on the hands and the person’s fingers to give an accurate reading. The lines on the hand particularly show many aspects of the person’s personality and their future destiny. The life line tells the length of your life, the head line provides insight into your type of personality and the heart line can give clues about your love life. The other lines include the fate line, health line, fame line, money line, marriage line, sex line, spirit line, travel line and luck line. A palm reader can read the special markings on these lines as well as garner meaning from the length and depth of the lines.

Rune readings are an additional service that a psychic may offer. Runes have been around for thousands of years and have been shown to attain mystical characteristics. A rune reading consists of twenty-four runes laid out in a spread. There are different types of spreads including the traditional spread of three that represents the past, present and future. The materials that the runes are made out of affects the reading as well. Ceramic, stone, wood and gold runes are each used to answer different life questions.

An aura reading can also be conducted when you visit a psychic. This type of reading involves the interpretation of the aura that surrounds a person. An aura is a color outline that emanates from the body and varies from person to person. Auras can be different sizes, shapes and colors. A psychic that can read auras can see or sense a person’s aura and give their interpretation of it.

If you are looking for specific advice or insight, you may wish to visit a psychic that only specializes in one or two areas. Some of the readings must be conducted face to face, but most can be distant readings that are done over the telephone or the Internet. Whichever type of psychic reading you choose, you will be amazed at the insightful things that a psychic can tell you about your life.

Astrological Readings | Psychic Readings Online

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Basics Of Building Your Own Greenhouse

Building a greenhouse is easier than you may think. You can choose different designs and sizes that you would like to build. A greenhouse will give you comfort whenever you visit your plants, vegetables, flowers, or orchids. It also provides the needed sunlight and humidity for these plants. You may relax and enjoy it every time you visit this place where you have exerted all your effort of building such a wondrous place.

You may save more money if you decide to build a small greenhouse. There are supplies and materials that you can use which should be just enough according to your own prepared budget. If there is enough space that can accommodate a larger greenhouse, do it because you may want to develop more plants and vegetables.

If you really desire to build a greenhouse where you can develop and propagate more plants, you should consider the different factors that would be necessary on the type of greenhouses you would like to build. Here are some tips and factors you should consider in building your own greenhouse.

1. You may consider using salvaged materials if you intend to make a larger greenhouse. You may use these materials in designing and planning for a low cost budget greenhouse. This will also help you minimize the expense of the other supplies and materials needed.

2. You should also determine the climate of the place where you live. An insulated greenhouse should be appropriate for cold climate areas. This will help you provide the needed warmth and heat for your plants. For warm places, a greenhouse that has a shade control would be advisable.

3. You also needs to make sure that your greenhouse will be designed with proper air circulation spaces, ventilation, pest control soil, heaters for winter season, and humidity control devices. You should create an environment that is appropriate for the types of plants that will grow in your greenhouse.

4. The location of the greenhouse should be built where there is enough sunlight. If you choose a solar greenhouse for vegetables and exotic fruit bearing plants it is best if the greenhouse is situated on the east-west part of where you live because facing it this way it is more exposed to sunlight.

5. It is also important to consider the covering of the greenhouse. The most advisable shades are the glass made coverings and fiberglass which might not fit in your budget. But just know that they provide more durability and they do not deteriorate quickly compared to plastic coverings. A greenhouse covered with glass or fiberglass allows more humidity and warmth.

6. You have the option to choose what kind of foundation you would like to use. The foundations can be concrete for a more secured greenhouse. Others prefer the less expensive lightweight foundation where they use improvised materials such as railroad ties, which they can easily attach to the ground. It all depends on how much you are willing to spend on the structure of the greenhouse.

7. You may also consider building a greenhouse that will maximize its full potential. You may want to add benches or materials that will be used for your comfort every time you want to relax in the greenhouse. You may also want to add many accessories to the place like automatic watering systems, heating systems, ventilation system and other automatic equipment that are effective in maintaining the plants.

8. You should use the “good bugs” for you pest control chemical. They prevent and control the spread of the bad bugs in a greenhouse. If you ever find insects in a plant, you should isolate the plant and if possible place the plant outside the greenhouse so that the insects do not house in the other plants.

9. You should allot a space where you can store fertilizers, potting soil and other tools that are essential in the greenhouse. You should place a tool rack nearer to the potting place so that it would be easier for you to transfer the soil from the pot of the plants. You should also place buckets and tool holders to accommodate the other equipment when they are not in use.

You can develop and grow all sorts of plants with a versatile greenhouse. You may also want to reproduce the grown plants to fill the greenhouse with a variety of plants. Putting up a greenhouse will be more enjoyable if it done with the help of the family and friends. So get them involved too.

Have fun.

Christian Baligad

how to build a greenhouse | build your own greenhouse

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Wearing a Hearing Aid is Nothing to be Embarrassed About

Hearing impairment is one of the most common ailments in the United States. Near about 30 million American citizens are affected with hearing impairment. 2% children are affected with hearing impairment below the age of 18 and this percentage increases with age. To over come hearing impairment digital hearing aids and basic hearing aids are used worldwide for they have proved to be a miracle.

What is a hearing aid?

A hearing aid is a battery-operated, electronic device, which amplifies and changes sound to allow improved communication. Hearing aids receive sound through a microphone, which then convert the sound waves to electrical signals. The amplifier increases the intensity of signals and then sends the sound to ear with the help of a speaker.

What are the different kinds of hearing aids?

Several types of hearing aids are available in the market. Each type provides its own advantages depending upon its size, design and level of amplification. Before purchasing any hearing aid, you should confirm that it would work for you. Most manufacturing companies provide a two-month trial period during which you can return your hearing aid.

Four types of hearing aids are given below for people with hearing impairment:

o (ITE) In-the-Ear hearing aids: This type of a hearing aid fits completely in the outer ear and is useful for mild to severe hearing impairment. The case of the hearing aid is made of hard plastic. In-The-Ear hearing aids can hold telecoil (added technical mechanisms that help hearing aid to improve sound intensity during telephone calls.) ITE hearing aids can give poor feedback if they are damaged by ear drainage or earwax. ITE hearing aids are generally not used by children, as the casings are needed to be replaced as ears grow.

o (BTE) Behind-the-Ear hearing aids are worn behind the ear and are connected to a plastic earmold that fits inside the outer ear. The components of the hearing aid are held in a case behind the ear. Sound travels through the earmold into the ear. These types of hearing aids are used by people of all age group. Poor earmold fitting can cause a whistle sound production or formation of earwax or fluid.

o Canal hearing aids are available in two sizes. Canal hearing aids fit into the ear canal. A (CIC) or Completely-in-Canal hearing aid is mostly hidden in the ear canal and is used in the cases of mild to severe hearing impairment. CIC hearing aids are very small in size and that's why it is not possible to attach additional devices like telecoil. These hearing aids can also be damaged by ear drainage or earwax and are not recommended for children.

o Body hearing aids are also available in the market. They are big in size and mostly used when other hearing aids are not useful.

On some special occasions discount hearing aids are also available in market. You can buy discount hearing aids ranging from digital hearing aids to the basic behind the ear hearing aids. Some online sellers provide a larger selection of discount hearing aids at a more affordable price. Many companies like Songbird Hearing USA offer hearing aids for sale.
Make a detailed study before you place an order for a discount hearing aid.

Compare Hearing Aids

Hearing Aids Newton MA

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Living behind the ear - Hearing Aids

Living aids are a small device that spend their time in most cases inside and behind the ear of an individual who has a hearing impairment. The small device is used to amplify noises to increase the probability of an individual who is hard of hearing in distinguishing a sound. Technology over the past decade has greatly increased both the effectiveness of hearing aids as well as greatly reduced the obtrusiveness of a hearing aid. It used to be that an individual would have to wear an "ear trumpet" or "ear horn", which was a larger and very noticeable way of aiding hearing. Now many times you won't even notice that a hearing aid is being used until you look closely as they are very compact in size, and will often times blend right in with the ear of an individual. With the increased technology in batteries and power conservation, their is no longer a need for cables and pocket battery packets, instead the battery is concealed in the device itself! It's like James Bond, but this device is actually useful.

There is several different types of hearing aids, which will vary in many ways among size, cost and power. Before making a choice on any different model or function, I would first recommend talking to your medical professional. Always put functionality ahead of all of your other choices. A hearing aid that looks great, but doesn't help your hearing, isn't going to be much of an aid at all. Same with one that you are constantly changing the battery out of,etc. Functionality and practicality goes along way in the purchase of a hearing aid.]

Hearing Aid Styles

Monday, March 1, 2010

Top 3 Reasons Why People Want to Become Medical Assistants

With our vast growing economy, jobs are insufficient but the economy continues to grow and the medical field just doesn't stop expanding and growing. Have you always wanted to do something within the medical field but simply do not want to become a doctor or nurse? Well consider taking on the job of a medical assistant. Don't looks down on this position as they are considered the wing man of all doctors and play a huge role in the medical industry. There are many reasons why people would want to become assistants in the medical field.

First, studying is easy and convenient as you can not only do in on campus but you can do it online too. With our advance technology, you can download your lectures and go at your own pace to gain your certification. Having said this, if you are on rocky grounds about taking this path into your future, you could always use the eCampus which many teaching institutes offer to study part time. in addition to that, this subject gives you the advantage to do your own research and explore the internet to look for informative details to help you understand. As this field is one that is pretty much on the surface with no difference in terminology and such, it is easy for you to look up different sources.

Second of all, by placing your future in this line, you can get trained in less than a year and start kicking it in the real way. This is because during the training process, you are not only taught the theoretical side of things, you also get to do many hands on activities which would give you the experience and exposure that you need. This would include doing simple medical things such as drawing blood from a patient, cleaning wounds, bandaging a sprained ankle and moving on to bigger things such as removing casts and sewing stitches. Instead of spending a good 3-4 years in college taking general education classes along with your subjects of interest, medical assisting schools generally focus on training you in the subjects you need to know on a daily basis.

Furthermore, another reason people would want to look into medical assisting is the hot employment rate. This job is one that is at high demand hence there would be no problem in landing a good and solid career, even more if you've got a certificate to show your work quality. By pursuing this career, you are actually guaranteed a job provided you are responsible enough to carry out your duties. This is so because once you've completed your full training course, you would be well off to work in any medical sector doing almost anything that your certificate allows you too. In example, patient care, clinical assisting, pharmacology, medical insurances, bookkeeping, laboratory procedures, therapeutic care and so on.

In conclusion, there are many reasons as to why one should consider heading their careers into the path of medical assistants. Not only do you get to work with a wide variety of people, you also get to pick up many skills along the way from soft skills right down to good informative knowledge.

Read here to know how to build certified medical assistant career Everything you should know about medical assistant training

Curved Stair Lifts – An Overview

If you are looking to purchase a stair lift and are worried about getting one to fit because you have a curved, odd shaped staircase or multiple landings – dont be! Curved stair lifts are just what you need.

No matter what the configuration or layout of your staircase, stair lifts can be tailor made to the size and shape of virtually any staircase easily coping with bends, straights and landings.

But of course, this extra flexibility comes at a price generally speaking these types of stair lifts are more expensive than their straight counterparts. Depending upon the configuration of your staircase the price will be based upon several factors: the number of bends, the angle of the bends, the length of the actual staircase, cost of labour etc.

Another design plus with curved stairlifts is their ability to be installed on either the inside or the outside path of your stairs. Basically, this means the stairlift can run along either side of your stairs and the profile of your stairs will ascertain which would be the most suitable option for you.

Although there is a buoyant market for second-hand and used straight stair lifts there is little market for curved stair lifts. And as such they have no real resale value, because they are custom made to fit individual staircases they are not suitable for installing in other properties.

In view of this, if you find that after a few years you have to move out of your home, unless you have an identical staircase, it is best to leave your stair lift in situ.

Again, because they are individually made, be prepared to pay your supplier a substantial deposit when ordering a curved stair lift. This practice does not generally take place with a normal, straight stair lifts but the one you are ordering will only fit in your house and if you pull out of the deal the supplier will not be able to resell it.

If you are considering having a stair lift in your home the website below contains free information and impartial advice on this topic.

These are, of course, just a couple of minor considerations you should bear in mind when deciding to buy a curved stairlift… you may decide that the advantages of being able to access all the floors your existing home far out way these points – especially when compared to the stress and expense of converting your house or moving to a single storey residence.

used stair lifts

used stairlifts