Sunday, October 25, 2009

Colon Cleanse - Can it Really Help?

If you're thinking of trying a colon cleanse, you probably have many questions (and doubts) floating around in your head. Why should I do a colon cleanse? Does a colon cleanse really work? Is it safe? What side effects will I experience? There really is no simple answer to these questions because, quite frankly, the experts in the field disagree somewhat on the benefits of colon cleansing. My advice would be to arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible - then the decision is a personal one.

Quite simply, a colon cleanse is a process which destroys and then flushes toxins and impurities from the colon and digestive system. It's actually been around for more than 60 years, and colon cleansing is probably more popular today than ever since it has become the weight loss program of choice for many of the celebrities.

Experts believe that a large percentage of the population suffers from a condition known as auto-intoxication, which is defined as "self poisoning from the absorption of waste products of metabolism, decomposed intestinal matter or other toxins produced within the body." Bottom line, there's a good chance you have a build-up of deadly fecal matter and undigested food trapped inside your body, and the long-term effects of these toxins can include such things as gradual weight gain, gas and bloating, constipation, fatigue, protruding gut, infections, insomnia, and the list goes on and on. As time progresses, this fecal matter can become extremely harmful bacteria that can cause all kinds of conditions to develop, even cancer. Some people actually have four to five undigested meals in their intestines right now. Makes sense to me that that can't be a good thing.

If you're like me, one of the main reasons you're considering a colon cleanse is to help you lose weight. Will it actually help you lose weight? Again, experts disagree, but the bottom line is some people are seeing a drop in weight of up to 20 pounds with just one cleanse. Personally, I didn't see that much of a drop - mine was more in the range of six to eight pounds, which I was thrilled with because it took me within five pounds of my goal weight. The last five pounds fell off within a couple of weeks. I had hit a brick wall in my weight loss program and it was like the colon cleanse gave my body a jump-start and the weight finally started to fall off again.

So where do you start? The first step is to choose the colon cleanse that is right for you -- and there are tons of different methods to pick from -- some very expensive, some will cost you peanuts. I opted for a method which was all natural. The natural treatments are usually gentler -- you won't be using harsh chemicals or laxatives. An all-natural colon cleanse will also be a much cheaper method to use.

But don't kid yourself - colon cleansing isn't a picnic in the park. It's best to let your family and friends know ahead of time so they can be supportive. The toughest thing for me were the hunger cravings that you normally have in the initial stages. I remember sitting on the couch and smelling a pizza that my husband had stuck in the microwave. I seriously wanted to bury his body in the back yard. I guess one look at my face told the story, because he headed outside to finish his pizza.

Staying motivated and sticking with it while you're performing a colon cleanse can be very challenging, but is it worth it? Without hesitation, speaking from my own experience, I will say absolutely, I am a firm believer in the benefits you can receive from a colon cleanse. Along with the weight drop that resulted, it has totally cured a severe constipation problem that I've been battling for years. It wasn't uncommon for me to go two to three days without a bowel movement, with the resulting bloating and gas in between. I've heard reports of those who go from severe constipation to having two to three bowel movements a day after cleansing their system. While I haven't been quite that lucky, I'm having at least one bowel movement a day since performing this cleanse, and the bloating and gas have all but disappeared.

As I stated, the system that I opted for was a natural method, partly because it cost the least and partly because I'm kind of a "natural" freak anyway. The typical person will spend ten days on this cleanse, the first two to three days being the toughest from my personal experience. This may sound a little silly, but one of the reasons I picked this particular colon cleanse is because it's the system of choice being used by celebrities to help keep them looking their best for the cameras. What occurred to me is they could probably afford the most expensive colon cleanse on the market, but instead this is the one they chose. Made sense to me to follow their lead.

If you're at all curious about this ten-day system, click on the following link, where I will share with you my experience with this particular colon cleanse and where you can find detailed instructions, including the recipe for this cleanse, along with tips that will help you perform the cleanse with as little discomfort as possible. Good luck!

bowtrol colon cleanse

colon cleansing and weight loss

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